quarta-feira, julho 13, 2011

Pessoas que me entendem

Sufjan Stevens (1975 - ) (Imagem daqui)

"The church is an institution and it’s incredibly corrupt obviously, but that’s because it’s full of dysfunctional people and people who are hurt and battered and abused. It’s very normal in any institution to have that kind of level of dysfunction. That’s unfortunate. I find it very difficult, I find church culture very difficult you know; I think a lot of churches now are just fundamentally flawed. But that’s true for any institution you know, that’s true for education, universities and it’s definitely true for corporations because of greed, and I think part of faith is having to be reconciled with a flawed community. But the principles, I don’t think the principles have changed. They can get skewed and they can get abused and dogma can reign supreme, but I think the fundamentals, it’s really just about love. Loving God and loving your neighbour and giving up everything for God. The principles of that, the basis of that is very pure and life changing".

Lido aqui.

É o que eu digo: Amor.

A entrevista está
aqui na íntegra.

2 comentários:

ruialme disse...

Não só te entende a ti como me entende a mim também. Obrigado por partilhares.
Isto só prova q a Fé se alimenta da lucidez.

Joana disse...


Verdade. :)))))

A Fé (nos homens) se alimenta de Lucidez, a Fé (sem mais) alimenta-se de Amor. (E é Amor.)
